Anna Turner
Anna joined the board of Trustees in January 2023.
She currently works as Head of Research and Insight at Legacy Foresight – a consultancy that advises charities on Legacy and In-Memory fundraising, where she leads large consortium research programmes for most of the major charities in the UK. Prior to that, she worked for over 20 years in advertising, as a brand strategist and insight director, working on global brands such as Dove, Boots (WBA) and British Airways as well as charities and government campaigns (including the first campaign promoting child safety on the internet).
She was a governor of North West London Jewish Day School for over 10 years, serving as the designated Special Educational Needs and Disabilities lead, as well as Vice Chair and head of the Curriculum committee amongst other portfolios. She is currently an Ort Jump mentor working with sixth form students to help them understand more about careers and the working world.